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Our Story

Being obsessed with gourds is normal, right?

While growing up in South Alabama, I never gave gourds a second thought (probably not a first thought either). They were just around. We used a dipper gourd to drink from the spring by the pond at Gan Gan's. Birdhouse gourds were hung in groups to house purple martins and their mosquito appetites. They were simply common tools that were generally lying around, and they were FREE.


Fast forward 30 years, and I suddenly seem to really notice the endless possibilities gourds offered. They're durable and nearly every culture in the world has access to them. There's a reason they have been used for thousands of years for everything from baskets to jewelry. That may be my favorite thing about gourds- their versatility. I tend to get bored easily, so having never-ending new options makes me happy.

When it comes to decorating gourds, I use everything from paint and inks to gold leaf and Swarovski crystals. I love when people see my work and can't believe they are looking at a gourd. Just because something comes from nature doesn't mean it has to be plain. Nature makes each new gourd "canvas" unique. Using those variations makes every finished piece truly one of a kind. 


I look forward to creating something for you.

©2023 by artSGB. Proudly created with



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